Unmanned Maritime Capsule

Credits: INESTEC

The Unmanned capsule is a small size autonomous surface vehicle designed for search and rescue operations at sea.

 This robot carries an uninflated life raft and is capable of inflating it close to survivors in large-scale maritime disasters. It can be remotely controlled or operated autonomously, and can be deployed from shore or from a mother ship. 

The capsule was designed to operate in adverse environmental conditions, and is also equipped with a video camera and other sensors to provide information about victims and the disaster to operators on shore. This system was developed as part of project ICARUS (FP7 – Security).


  • Automatic inflation of life raft
  • Autonomous navigation
  • Live video stream to shore
The capsule was designed to operate in adverse environmental conditions,
and is also equipped with a video camera and other sensors to provide information
about victims and the disaster to operators on shore. This system
was developed as part of project ICARUS (FP7 – Security).